Painted - Eagle
These feathers are made from common white turkey. Each is hand selected for size and shape and then trimmed, straightened, ironed flat, and finally painted to look like real eagle feathers. We offer reproductions of both golden and bald eagles. The tail feathers are approximately 12 inches long but lenghts do vary. The golden eagle are also available in a "secondary" size which average about 10 inches. These are great for bustle trailers and anywhere else a slightly smaller feather is required. These are the best imitation eagle feathers available for this price.
Imitation Eagle Feathers - Golden Immature
Replica of an immature golden eagle. The young eagle has tail feathers which are white with a dark brown tip. As the eagle matures, the feathers transition to an almost completely brown feather with medium brown or off white regions. The immature golden eagle was the most common feather used for bonnets and fans and was and still is highly prized. The tail feathers are approximately 12 inches long.
Imitation Eagle Feathers - Golden Semi-Mature
Replica of the tail of a golden eagle which is in transition from an immature bird to a mature bird. The tail feathers are approximately 12 inches long.
Imitation Eagle Feathers - Golden Mature
Replica of the tail feathers of a fully mature golden eagle. The tail feathers are approximately 12 inches long.
Imitation Eagle Feathers - Bald Wing
Replica of a bald eagle wing feather.
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01/17/25 01:54:00 PM Pacific Time Copyright Matoska Trading Company, Inc.