This forth album from one of the Worlds premium drum groups is nothing less than astounding! Those of you who are familiar with Northern Wind know that this group is at the top of the list when it comes to incredible musical talent and this album tops all of their releases to date! As well, this is the FIRST album ever released by a drum group that is in the ENHANCED CD format - meaning that the CD not only plays music, but can also play a live recorded VIDEO performance of Northern Wind in any computer and most DVD players! True innovation from one of PowWows most innovative groups! NORTHERN WIND SINGERS: Gabe Desrosiers ( Lead singer), Daniel Buffalo (Lead), Nate King (lead), Elliott Desrosiers (Lead), BJ Copenace ( Lead), Rodney Crow, Bruce Crow, Justin Handorgan, Tommy Hunter, Archie Paypompee Members not present during this recording: Farrell Desrosiers, Corey Joseph, Ronnie Goodeagle
— ©2002