Index - Books & Periodicals |
I Will Tell of My War Story
by Scott M Thompson
Lakota Sioux Missions - South Dakota
by Jan Cerney
Native American Design with CD-ROM
by Althea Chen
1876 Facts about Custer and the Battle of the Little Bighorn
by Jerry L Russell
19th Century Plains Indian Dresses
by Susan Jennys
A Bag of Bones
by Marcelle Masson
A Boy of Tache
by Ann Blades
A Century of Dishonor
by Helen Hunt Jackson
A Cherokee Encyclopedia
by Robert J Conley
A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe
by John D Nichols
A Creek Warrior for the Confederacy
by G W Grayson
A Dakota-English Dictionary
by Stephen R Riggs
A Dictionary of the Ojibway Language
by Frederic Baraga
A Face in the Rock
by Loren R Graham
A Gathering of Spirit
by Beth Brant
A Good Year to Die
by Charles M, III Robinson
A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest
by Robert H Ruby
A Guide to the Indian Wars of the West
by John D McDermott
A History of Ethnography of the Beothuk
by Ingeborg Marshall
A History of the Native People of Canada
by James V Wright
A History of the Timucua Indians and Missions
by John H Hann
A Kiowa's Odyssey
by Phillip Earenfight
A Long and Terrible Shadow
by Thomas R Berger
A Man Called Raven
by Richard Van Camp
A Manual of Fingerweaving
by Robert J Austin
A Most Indispensable Art
by James B Peterson
A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison
by James E Seaver
A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison ...
by James E Seaver
A Natural Education
by Stan Padilla
A Northern Cheyenne Album
by Thomas B Marquis
A Pima Past
by Anna Moore Shaw
A Pioneer Thanksgiving
by Barbara Greenwood
A Place Beyond
by Nick Jans
A Poison Stronger Than Love
by Anastasia M Shkilnyk
A Race at Bay
by Robert G Hays
A Reporter at Large
by A J Liebling
A Retreat with Black Elk
by Marie Therese Archambault
A Separate Reality
by Carlos Castabeda
A Sioux Chronicle
by George E Hyde
A Sioux Winter Count
by Roberta Carkeek Cheney
A Son of the Forest and Other Writings
by William Apess
A Song for the Horse Nation
by George Horse Capture
A Song to the Creator
by Lillian A Ackerman
A Student's Guide to Native American Genealogy
by E Barrie Kavasch
A Study of Omaha Indian Music
by Alice C Fletcher
A Taste of Heritage
by Alma Hogan Snell
A Time Before Deception
by Thomas W Cooper
A to Z of Native American Women
by Liz Sonneborn
A Warrior I Have Been
by Richard Green
A Wealth of Thought
by Aldona Jonaitis
A Zuni Life
by Virgil Wyaco
Abenaki Warrior
by Alfred E Kayworth
Abram's Eyes
by Nathaniel Philbrick
Adopted by Indians
by Thomas Jefferson Mayfield
African Creeks
by Gary Zellar
After King Philip's War
by Colin G Calloway
After Wounded Knee
by Jerry Green
All My Sins Are Relatives
by W S Penn
All Our Relations
by Winona LaDuke
All Our Relationships
by Winona LaDuke
All Our Relatives
by Paul Goble
All Roads Are Good
by National Museum of the American Indian
Always a People
by Rita Kohn
American Encounters
by Peter C Mancall
American Indian Art Magazine - V28 #4
American Indian Art Magazine - V29 #1
American Indian Art Magazine - V29 #2
American Indian Art Magazine - V29 #3
American Indian Art Magazine - V29 #4
American Indian Art Magazine - V30 #1
American Indian Art Magazine - V30 #2
American Indian Art Magazine - V30 #3
American Indian Art Magazine - V30 #4
American Indian Art Magazine - V31 #1
American Indian Art Magazine - V31 #2
American Indian Art Magazine - V31 #3
American Indian Art Magazine - V31 #4
American Indian Ballerinas
by Lili Cockerille Livingston
American Indian Basketry
by Otis Tufton Mason
American Indian Beadwork
by W Ben Hunt
American Indian Cooking
by Carolyn Niethammer
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 5 #10
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 5 #7
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 5 #8
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 5 #9
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 6 #10
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 6 #3
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 7 #10
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 7 #4
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 7 #5
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 7 #7
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 7 #8
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 8 #1
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 8 #2
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 8 #3
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 8 #4
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 8 #5
American Indian Crafts and Culture (AICC) - Vol 8 #6
American Indian Design and Decoration
by LeRoy H Appleton
American Indian Families
by Jay Miller
American Indian Festivals
by Jay Miller
American Indian Foods
by Jay Miller
American Indian Games
by Jay Miller
American Indian Girl and Boy Paper Dolls
by Kathy Allert
American Indian Grandmothers
by Marjorie M Schweitzer
American Indian Holocaust and Survival
by Russell Thornton
American Indian Horse Masks
by Mike Cowdrey
American Indian Languages
by Shirley Silver
American Indian Life Skills Development Curriculum
by Teresa D Lafromboise
American Indian Literature
by Alan R Velie
American Indian Literatures
by A Lavonne Ruoff
American Indian Medicine
by Virgil J Vogel
American Indian Myths and Legends
by Richard Erdoes
American Indian Persistence and Resurgence
by Karl Kroeber
American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century
by Vine, Jr Deloria
American Indian Sovereignty and the U.S. Supreme Court
by David E Wilkins
American Indian Stories
by Sa Zitkala
American Indian Treaties
by Francis Paul Prucha
American Indian Tribal Governments
by Sharon O'Brien
American Indian Trickster Tales
by Richard Erdoes
American Indians
by Devon A Mihesuah
American Indians
by William T Hagan
American Indians and Christian Missions Studies in Cultural Conflict
by Henry Warner Bowden
American Indians Fandex
by Liz Hill
American Indians in the Lower Mississippi Valley
by Daniel H Usner
American Indians in the Marketplace
by Brian C Hosmer
American Indians in U.S. History
by Roger L Nichols
American Indians of the Southwest
by Bertha P Dutton
American Indians, Time, and the Law
by Charles F Wilkinson
American Revolution in Indian Country
by Colin G Calloway
Amerindian Images and the Legacy of Columbus
by Rene Jara
Amerindian Rebirth
by A Mills
An Anasazi Welcome
by Kay Matthews
An Apache Life-Way
by Morris Edward Opler
An Archaeology of the Soul
by Robert L Hall
An Assumption of Sovereignty
by Harry A Kersey
An English-Dakota Dictionary
by John P Williamson
An Indian Winter
by Russell Freedman
An Introduction to the Shoshoni Language
by Drusilla Gould
An Unspeakable Sadness
by David J Wishart
Anasazi Legends, Songs of the Wind Dancer
by Lou Cuevas
And It is Still That Way
by Byrd Baylor
Anna's Athabaskan Summer
by Arnold Griese
Apache Odyssey
by Morris Edward Opler
by James L Haley
by John H Hann
Apologies to the Iroquois
by Edmund Wilson
Archaeology, History, and Custer's Last Battle
by Richard Fox Jr.
Arctic Adventure
by Dana Meachen Rau
Arkansas Indians
by Berna Love
Arrow to the Sun
by Gerald McDermott
Arrow to the Sun
by Gerald McDermott
Art from Fort Marion
by Joyce M Szabo
Art of Clay
by Lee M Cohen
Art of the Ancestors
by George Everett Shaw
Art of the Far North
by Carol Finley
Art of the Florida Seminole and Miccosukee Indians
by Dorothy Downs
Art of the Osage
by Garrick A Bailey
Artifacts / Artifakes
by Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Artistry in Native American Myths
by Karl Kroeber
Arts of Diplomacy
by Castle McLaughlin
Arts of the North American Indian
by Edwin L Wade
As Long as the River Shall Run
by Martha C Knack
At the Desert's Green Edge
by Amadeo M Rea
At the Mouth of the Luckiest River
by Arnold A Griese
by Nathan Aaseng
Atlas of American Indian Affairs
by Francis Paul Prucha
Atlas of Great Lakes, Indian History
by Helen Hornbeck Tanner
Authentic Alaska
by Susan Andrews
Authentic Alaska
by Susan B Andrews
Authentic American Indian Beadwork and How to Do It
by Pamela Stanley-Millner
Authentic Indian Designs
by Maria Naylor
Baby RattlesnakeViborita de Cascabel
by Te Ata
Backward to Forward
by Maurice Kenny
Bad Medicine and Good
by Wilbur Sturtevant Nye
Battles and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877
by Jerome A Greene
Bead on an Anthill
by Delphine Red Shirt
Beadwork Techniques of the Native Americans
by Scott Sutton
Beaver Steals Fire
by Sam Sandoval
Becoming and Remaining a People
by Howard L Harrod
Becoming Brave
by Laine Thom
Becoming Two-Spirit
by Brian Joseph Gilley
Before the Storm
by Allison Lassieur
Beginning Cherokee
by Holmes & Smith
Beginning Creek
by Pamela Joan Innes
Behind the Frontier
by Daniel R Mandell
Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties
by Vine, Jr Deloria
Being Comanche
by Morris W Foster
Being Dakota
by Amos E Oneroad
Being Lakota
by Larissa Petrillo
Beliefs and Holy Places
by James S Griffith
Beloved Child
by Diane Wilson
Betraying the Omaha Nation, 1790-1916
by Judith A Boughter
Between Earth and Sky
by Joseph Bruchac
Between Two Cultures
by Moira F Harris
Between Worlds
by Frances Karttunen
Beyond the Ridge
by Paul Goble
Big Book of Indian Beadwork Designs
by Kay Doherty Bennett
Bighorse the Warrior
by Tiana Bighorse
Black Elk
by Wallace Black Elk
Black Elk
by Michael F Steltenkamp
Black Elk - Native American Man of Spirit
by Maura Shaw
Black Elk and Flaming Rainbow
by Hilda Neihardt
Black Elk Speaks (Complete)
by John G Neihardt
Black Elk Speaks - Premier Edition
by John G Neihardt
Black Elk's Religion
by Clyde Holler
Black Elk's Vision
by S D Nelson
by John C Ewers
Blackfeet Indian Stories
by George Grinnell
Blackfoot Craftworker's Book
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
Blackfoot War Art
by L James Dempsey
Blessing for a Long Time
by Robin Ridington
Blessing for a Long Time
by Robin Ridington
by Dennis McAuliffe
by Janet Campbell Hale
Blue Dawn, Red Earth
by Clifford E Trafzer
Blue Horses Rush in
by Luci Tapahonso
Blue Star
by Kunigunde Duncan
Blue Water Creek and the First Sioux War, 1854-1856
by R Eli Paul
Bone Game
by Louis Owens
Bones in the Basket
by Carrie J Taylor
Book of the Hopi
by Frank Waters
Born Many Times
by George McMullen
Bows & Arrows of the Native Americans
by Jim Hamm
Braid of Feathers
by Frank Pommersheim
Brave Are My People
by Frank Waters
Brave as a Mountain Lion
by Ann Herbert Scott
Brave Eagle's Account of the Fetterman Fight
by Paul Goble
Brave Wolf and the Thunderbird
by Joe Medicine Crow
Brother Eagle, Sister Sky
by Susan Jeffers
Buckskin & Buffalo
by Colin F Taylor
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
by Buffalo Bill Historical Center
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Warriors
by Michelle Delaney
Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden
by Gilbert L Wilson
Buffalo Calf Road Woman
by Rosemary Agonito
Buffalo Days
by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith
Buffalo Dreams
by Kim Doner
Buffalo Nation
by Ken Zontek
Buffalo Woman
by Paul Goble
Buffalo Woman Comes Singing
by Eagle Brooke Medicine
Building One Fire
by Chadwick Smith
Buried Roots and Indestructible Seeds
by Mark A Lindquist
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
by Dee Brown
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
by Dee Brown
Cache Lake Country
by John J Rowlands
Cahokia, the Great Native American Metropolis
by Biloine Whiting Young
by Barbara Gray-Kanatiiosh
California and the Pacific Northwest
by UXL
California Indian Baskets
by Ralph Shanks
California Indians
by C L Keyworth
California Indians
by Liz Sonneborn
Call of the Great Spirit
by Bobby Lake-Thom
Canyon de Chelly, Its People and Rock Art
by Campbell Grant
Cape Cod Wampanoag Cookbook
by Earl Mills
Captured by the Indians
by Frederick Drimmer
Catch the Whisper of the Wind
by Cheewa James
by Hilary Stewart
Celebrating the Powwow
by Bobbie D Kalman
Celluloid Indians
by Jacquelyn Kilpatrick
Center of the World
by Rita Robinson
Ceremonies of the Damned
by Adrian C Louis
Ceremonies of the Living Spirit
by Joseph E Rael
Ceremonies of the Pawnee
by James R Murie
Changing Military Patterns of the Great Plains Indians
by Frank Raymond Secoy
Chants and Prayers
by Stan Padilla
Cherokee Basketry
by Anna M Fariello
Cherokee Dance
by Donald Sizemore
Cherokee Legends and the Trail of Tears
by Thomas Bryan Underwood
Cherokee Medicine Man
by Robert J Conley
Cherokee Thoughts, Honest and Uncensored
by Robert J Conley
Cherokee Women
by Theda Perdue
Cheyenne Dog Soldiers
by Jean Afton
Cheyenne Memories of the Custer Fight
by Richard G Hardorff
Cheyennes at Dark Water Creek
by William Y Chalfant
by Inez Cardozo-Freeman
Chief Joseph Country
by Bill Gulick
Chief Left Hand
by Margaret Coel
Chief Red Fox is Dead
by James J Rawls
Chiefdoms and Chieftaincy in the Americas
by Elsa M Redmond
Chiefs & Chief Traders, Vol 1
by Theodore Stern
Chiefs and Change in the Oregon Country, Vol. 2
by Theodore Stern
Children of Clay
by Rina Swentzell
Children of the Circle
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
Children of the Longhouse
by Joseph Bruchac
Children of the Midnight Sun
by Tricia Brown
Children of the Tlingit
by Frank J Staub
Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background
by M Inez Hilger
Chippewa Customs
by Frances Densmore
Chippewa Families
by M Inez Hilger
Chippewa Treaty Rights
by Ronald N Satz
Choctaw Language and Culture
by Marcia Haag
Choctaw Language and Culture - Volume 2
by Marcia Haag
Choctaw Music and Dance
by James H Howard
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
by Donovin Sprague
Choctaws and Missionaries in Mississippi, 1818-1918
by Clara Sue Kidwell
Choctaws at the Crossroads
by Sandra Faiman-Silva
Choteau Creek
by Joseph Iron Eye Dudley
by Barbara Gray-Kanatiiosh
Circle of Shaman
by Karen Berggren
Circles of the World
by Richard Conn
Cities of the Dead
by Joseph Roach
Claiming Breath
by Diane Glancy
by Russell Peters
Classic Hopi and Zuni Kachina Figures
by Andrea Portago
Coastal Indians
by Dana Newmann
by Edwin R Sweeney
Cochula's Journey
by Virginia Pounds Brown
Code Talker
by Chester Nez
Cogewea, The Half Blood
by Mourning Dove
Collecting Authentic Indian Arts & Crafts
Coloring Book-Southwest Indians I
by Bellerophon Books
Comanche Dawn
by Mike Blakely
by Ernest Wallace
Comanches in the New West, 1895-1908
by Stanley Noyes
Contemporary American Indian Literatures and the Oral Tradition
by Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez
Conversations with N. Scott Momaday
by Matthias Schubnell
Corbett Mack
by Michael Hittman
Corn among the Indians of the Upper Missouri
by George F Will
Costumes of the Plains Indians
by Clark Wissler
Counseling American Indians
by Laurence Armand French
Counting Coup
by Joe Medicine Crow
Coyote in Love with a Star
by Marty Kreipe de Montano
Coyote Medicine
by Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Coyote Places the Stars
by Harriet Peck Taylor
Coyote Steals the Blanket
by Janet Stevens
Coyote Stories
by Dove Mouring
Coyote Tales of the Northwest
by Thomas George
Coyote's Council Fire
by Loren Cruden
Craft Manual of Northwest Indian Beading
by George M White
Crafts Annual #2
Crafts Annual #4
Crafts Annual #6
Crazy Horse and Custer
by Stephen E Ambrose
Crazy Horse, Hoka Hey!
by Vinson Brown
Crazy Horse, the Strange Man of the Oglalas
by Mari Sandoz
Crazy Horses Vision
by James Bruchac
Creation's Journey
by Tom Hill
by Jean L Okimasis
Creek War of 1813 and 1815 (I.E. 1814)
by H S Halbert
Crooked Tree
by John C Wright
Crossing the Pond
by Jere Bishop Franco
Crow and Weasel
by Barry Lopez
Crow Dog
by Leonard Crow Dog
Crow Indian Beadwork
by John C Ewers
Cry of the Thunderbird
by Charles Hamilton
Crying for a Dream
by Richard Erdoes
Cuchama and Sacred Mountains
by W Y Evans-Wentz
Cuckoo for Kokopelli
by Dave Walker
Cultivating a Landscape of Peace
by Matthew Dennis
Custer Died for Your Sins
by Vine, Jr Deloria
Custer, Black Kettle, and the Fight on the Washita
by Charles Brill
Custom and Confrontation
by Roger M Keesing
Cycles of Conquest
by Edward H Spicer
Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village, 1868
by Michael Terry
Dakota Grammar
by Stephen R Riggs
Dakota Texts
by Ella Deloria
Dakota Women's Work
by Colette A Hyman
Dammed Indians
by Michael Lawson
Dance in a Buffalo Skull
by Zitkala-Sa
Dancing Between Two Worlds
by Frederick R Gustafson
Dancing Ghosts
by Mark T Hoyer
Dancing on Common Ground
by Howard L Meredith
Dangerous Passage
by William Y Chalfant
Daughters of the Buffalo Women
by Beverly Hungry Wolf
David Zeisberger
by Earl P Olmstead
Dawn in Arctic Alaska
by Diamond Jenness
Dead Voices
by Gerald Vizenor
Deadly Medicine
by Peter C Mancall
Death of the Iron Horse
by Paul Goble
Death Stalks the Yakama
by Clifford E Trafzer
Debating Democracy
by Bruce Johansen
Deer Dancer
by Stan Padilla
Deerskins into Buckskins (2nd Edition)
by Matt Richards
by James Fenimore Cooper
Deliberate Acts
by Peter M Whiteley
Desert Indians
by Dana Newmann
Destruction Bay
by Lisa Chavez
Deux-Plumes Et La Solitude Disparue
by Carrie J Taylor
Dialogues with Zuni Potters
by Milford Nahohai
by Dean Saxton
Dictionary of Modern Lakota
by Edward Starr
Dine Bahane
by Paul Zolbrod
Diné Bizaad
by Irvy W. Goossen
Dine Bizaad Binahoo’aah
by Evangeline Parsons Yazzie
Dineji Na'nitin
by Robert S McPherson
by Lawrence D Sundberg
Diplomats in Buckskins
by Herman J Viola
Disciplined Hearts
by Theresa Deleane O'Nell
Discover American Indian Ways
by Pamela Soeder
Discovering Totem Poles
by Aldona Jonaitis
Dispossessing the American Indian
by Wilbur R Jacobs
Do All Indians Live in Tipis?
Documents of American Indian Diplomacy
by Vine, Jr Deloria
Dog Soldiers Societies of the Plains
by Thomas E Mails
by Gary Paulsen
Dominion and Civility
by Michael Leroy Oberg
Dragonfly's Tale
by Kristina Rodanas
Dream Catchers
by Cath Oberholtzer
Dreaming the Dawn
by Elizabeth Woody
Dress Clothing of the Plains Indians
by Ronald P Koch
Drinking Careers
by Stephen J Kunitz
Dull Knifes of Pine Ridge
by Joe Starita
Dyer's Companion
by Dagmar Klos
Dzání Yázhí Naazbaa'
by Evangeline Parsons Yazzie
Eagle Feather
by Clyde Robert Bulla
Eagle Song
by Joseph Bruchac
Eagle Voice Remembers
by John G Neihardt
Early History of the Creek Indians and Their Neighbors
by John R Swanton
Earth is My Mother, Sky is My Father
by Trudy Griffin-Pierce
Earth Medicine
by Jamie Sams
Earth Song, Sky Spirit
by Clifford E Trafzer
by Lynda Durrant
Ecocide of Native America
by Donald A, Jr Grinde
Education and the American Indian
by Margaret Szasz
Edward S. Curtis - The North American Indian
by Hans Christian Adam
Ellen Smallboy
by Regina Flannery
Empire of the Summer Moon
by S C Gwynne
Empty Nets
by Roberta Ulrich
En Las Barrancas de Acoma
by John Dressman
by Jane Yolen
Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars
by Jerry Keenan
Encyclopedia of Native American Healing
by William S Lyon
Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes
by Sharon Malinowski
Encyclopedia of the Great Plains Indians
by David J Wishart
Enduring Culture
by Marcia Keegan
Engendered Encounters
by Margaret D Jacobs
English - Cheyenne Student Dictionary
Episodes from Life Among the Indians and Last Rambles
by George Catlin
Essie's Story
by Esther Burnett Horne
Ethnobotany Of The Gitksan Indians Of British Columbia
by Harlan I Smith
European-Native American Warfare, 1675-1815
by Armstrong Starkey
Everyday Lakota
by Joseph S Karol
Excavating Voices
by Michael Katakis
Exiled in the Land of the Free
by Oren Lyons
Expansion and American Indian Policy, 1783-1812
by Reginald Horsman
Exploring the Outdoors with Indian Secrets
by Allan A Macfarlan
Exterminate Them
by Clifford E Trafzer
Eye Killers
by A A Carr
Eyewitness at Wounded Knee
by Richard Jensen
Faces in the Moon
by Betty Louise Bell
Faces of the Land
by Ben Marra
Facing West
by Richard Drinnon
Family Matters, Tribal Affairs
by Carter Revard
Fantasies of the Master Race
by Ward Churchill
Fast Cars and Frybread
by Gordon Johnson
Favorite North American Indian Legends
by Philip Smith
Feminist Readings of Native American Literature
by Kathleen M Donovan
Finding Sand Creek
by Jerome A Greene
Finding the Center
by Dennis Tedlock
Finding the Center
by Dennis Tedlock
Fingerweaving Basics
by Gerald R Findley
Fire in the Mind
by George Johnson
Fire Race
by Jonathan London
by Diane Glancy
First Families
by L Frank
First People
by Keith Egloff
First Peoples, First Contacts
by J C H King
First Person, First Peoples
by Andrew Garrod
Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri
by Edwin Thompson Denig
Five Years a Dragoon
by Percival G Lowe
Flight of the Feathered Serpent
by Peter Balin
by John C Whittaker
Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe
by Jerald T Milanich
Florida's Indians from Ancient Times to the Present
by Jerald T Milanich
Flutes of Fire
by Leanne Hinton
Focus On Feathers
by Andrew Forsythe
Foklore of the Winnebago Tribe
by David Lee Smith
Folk Mammalogy of the Northern Pimans
by Amadeo M Rea
Fools Crow
by Thomas E Mails
For an Amerindian Autohistory
by Georges E Sioui
Fort Chipewyan Homecoming
by Morningstar Mercredi
Fort Laramie and the Great Sioux War
by Paul L Hedren
Fort Reliance, Yukon
by Donald W Clark
Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature
by John Bierhorst
Four Seasons of Corn
by Sally M Hunter
Four Winds
by Gene Meany Hodge
Fourteen Families in Pueblo Pottery
by Rick Dillingham
Fritz Scholder
by Lowery Stokes Sims
Frog Brings Rain
by Patricia Hruby Powell
From a Native Son
by Ward Churchill
From a Shattered Sun
by Susan McKinnon
From the Heart of Crow Country
by Joseph Medicine Crow
From This Earth
by Stewart Peckham
Frontier Diplomats
by Lesley Wischmann
Fugitive Poses
by Gerald Vizenor
by Robert W Larson
Games of the North American Indians
by Stewart Culin
Games of the North American Indians - Vol 1
by Stewart Culin
Games of the North American Indians - Vol 2
by Stewart Culin
General Stand Watie's Confederate Indians
by Frank Cunningham
Gerald Vizenor
by Kimberly M Blaeser
by Angie Debo
by Stephen Melvil Barrett
by Robert M Utley
Ghost Canoe
by Will Hobbs
Ghost Dance Religion (Csca)
by Alice Beck Kehoe
Ghost Dancing the Law
by John William Sayer
Gift Horse
by S D Nelson
Gift of Power
by Archie Fire Lame Deer
Gifts of the Spirit
by Dan L Monroe
Giving Thanks
by Jake Swamp
Giving Voice to Bear
by David Rockwell
Goodbird the Indian
by Gilbert L Wilson
by Tom Brown
Grandmother's Grandchild
by Alma Hogan Snell
Grandmother, Grandfather, and Old Wolf
by Clifford E Trafzer
Grass Games and Moon Races
by Jeannine Gendar
Grave Matters
by Tony Platt
Great Western Indian Fights
by D Haper Simms
Green Snake Ceremony With Bookmark
by Sherrin Watkins
Grey Owl
by Armand Garnet Ruffo
Growing Up Native American
by Patricia Riley
by Michael Dorris
Guests Never Leave Hungry
by James P Spradley
Guide to Indian Quillworking
by Christy Ann Hensler
Guide to Native American Music Recordings
by Greg Gombert
Half-Sun on the Columbia
by Robert H Ruby
by Maria Campbell
Handbook of American Indian Games
by Allan A Macfarlan
Handbook of Native American Literature
by Andrew Wiget
Handbook of the Indians of California
by A L Kroeber
Harper's Anthology of 20th Century Native American Poetry
by Duane Naitum
Hau Kola
by Barbara A Hail
by Toba Tucker
Hawk, I'm Your Brother
by Byrd Baylor
he Man Who Dreamed of Elk-Dogs & Other Stories from Tipi
by Paul Goble
Healing Secrets of the Native Americans
by Porter Shimer
Heart of the Circle
by Sara Day
Heetunkas Harvest
by Jennifer Berry Jones
Her Seven Brothers
by Paul Goble
Hernando de Soto and the Indians of Florida
by Jerald T Milanich
Hidatsa Social and Ceremonial Organization
by Alfred W Bowers
Historic Contact
by Robert S Grumet
History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians
by H B Cushman
History of the Indians of the United States
by Angie Debo
History of the Ojibway People
by William W Warren
History of the Santee Sioux
by Roy W Meyer
History of the Second Seminole War, 1835-1842
by John K Mahon
Hiwassee Island
by Thomas M Lewis
Hokahey! a Good Day to Die!
by Richard G Hardorff
Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy
by James K Cneley
Home Places
by Larry Evers
Honoring the Medicine
by Kenneth Cohen
Honouring Tradition
by Glenbow Museum
Hope and Live
by Oliver Optic
Hopi Basket Weaving
by Helga Teiwes
Hopi Cookery
by Juanita Kavena
Hopi Coyote Tales
by Ekkehart Malotki
Hopi Dwellings
by Catherine M Cameron
Hopi Kachinas
by Branson
Houses of Snow, Skin and Bones
by Bonnie Shemie
How Chipmunk Got His Stripes
by James Bruchac
How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine, and Crafts
by Frances Densmore
How the Stars Fell Into the Sky
by Jerrie Oughton
How Would You Survive as an American Indian?
by Scott Steedman
Howling Wolf and the History of Ledger Art
by Joyce M Szabo
Hunters of the Northern Forest
by Richard K Nelson
I Am Woman
by Lee Maracle
I Have Spoken
by Virginia I Armstrong
I Will Fight No More Forever
by Merrill D Beal
I, the Song
by A Lewis Soens
Identity by Design
by National Museum of the American Indian
If You Lived with the Hopi
by Anne Kamma
If You Lived with the Iroquois
by Ellen Levine
If You Lived with the Sioux Indians
by Ann McGovern
If You Poison Us
by Peter Eichstaedt
Iktomi and the Boulder
by Paul Goble
Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America
by Aby M Warburg
Imperfect Victories
by Mark Scherer
In a Barren Land
by Paula Mitchell Marks
In a Sacred Manner I Live
by Neil Philip
In a Sacred Manner I Live
by Neil Philip
In Defense of the Indians
by Bartolome De Las Casas
In My Own Words
by Grace McKibben
In Search of New England's Native Past
by Michael K Foster
In the Land of the Grasshopper Song
by Mary E Arnold
In the Land of the Grasshopper Song
by Mary E Arnold
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
by Peter Matthiessen
In the Sun's House
by Kurt Caswell
In the Trail of the Wind
by John Bierhorst
In the Words of Elders
by Peter Kulchyski
Indeh, an Apache Odyssey
by Eva Ball
Indian Affairs in Colonial New York
by Allen W Trelease
Indian Art of Ancient Florida
by Barbara A Purdy
Indian Basket Weaving
by Navajo School of Indian Basketry
Indian Baskets of Central California
by Ralph Shanks
Indian Bead-Weaving Patterns
by Horace Goodhue
Indian Boyhood
by Charles A Eastman
Indian Captive
by Lois Lenski
Indian Chiefs
by Russell Freeman
Indian Country, L.A.
by Joan Weibel-Orlando
Indian County, L.A.
by Joan Weibel-Orlando
Indian Crafts & Lore
by W Ben Hunt
Indian Dances of North America
by Reginald Laubin
Indian Designs Stained Glass Coloring Book
by John Green
Indian Fights and Fighters
by Cyrus T Brady
Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs
by Alice C Fletcher
Indian Herbalogy of North America
by Alma R Hutchens
Indian Life
by William W, Jr Savage
Indian Nation
by Cheryl Walker
Indian Nations of North America
by National Geographic
Indian Oratory
by W C Vanderwerth
Indian Place Names in Alabama
by William A Read
Indian Place-Names
by John Rydjord
Indian Pottery
by Toni Roller
Indian Pottery of the Southwest
by Marcia Muth
Indian Removal
by Grant Foreman
Indian Reservations in the United States
by Klaus Frantz
Indian Rock Art of the Southwest
by Polly Schaafsma
Indian School Days
by Basil H Johnston
Indian Sign Language
by William Tomkins
Indian Singing
by Gail Tremblay
Indian Spirit (Revised Edition)
by Michael Oren Fitzgerald
Indian Story and Song from North America
by Alice C Fletcher
Indian Summer
by Betsy Wyckoff
Indian Summer
by Thomas Jefferson Mayfield
Indian Summers
by Eric Gansworth
Indian Survival on the California Frontier
by Albert L Hurtado
Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley and Adjacent Coast of the Gul
by John R Swanton
Indian Tribes of the Northern Rockies
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
Indian Uprising on the Rio Grande
by Franklin Folsom
Indian Views of the Custer Fight
by Richard G Hardoff
Indian Village Sticker Activity Book
by Cathy Beylon
Indian Voices
by Alison Owings
Indian Wars
by Duane Lund
Indian Why Stories
by Frank B Linderman
Indian-White Relations in the United States
by Francis Paul Prucha
Indians and Anthropologists
by Thomas Biolsi
Indians and Europe
by Christian F Feest
Indians and the American West in the Twentieth Century
by Donald L Parman
Indians at Hampton Institute, 1877-1923
by Donal F Lindsey
Indians in the United States and Canada
by Roger L Nichols
Indians of Arizona
by Eleanor H Ayer
Indians of North America
by Harold E Driver
Indians of the High Plains
by George E Hyde
Indians of the North Pacific Coast
by Tom McFeat
Indians of the Northwest-Coloring Book
by Bellerophon Books
Indians of the Pacific Northwest
by Robt Ruby
Indians of the Plateau and Great Basin
by Victoria Sherrow
Indians of the Southeast
by Richard E Mancini
Indians of the United States
by Clark Wissler
Indians of the Western Great Lakes Region
by W Vernon Kinietz
Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest
by Robert Boyd
Indians, Franciscans and Spanish Colonization
by Robert H Jackson
Ininatig's Gift of Sugar
by Laura Waterman Wittstock
by Paul N Beck
Interior Landscapes
by Gerald Vizenor
Intermediate Creek
by Pamela Joan Innes
Into the Daylight
by Calvin Morrisseau
Inventing the Savage
by Luana Ross
Iroquois Medical Botany
by James W Herrick
Iroquois Supernatural
by Mason Winfield
Ishi in Two Worlds
by Theodora Kroeber
Ishi the Last Yahi
by Robert Fleming Heizer
Ishi, Last of His Tribe
by Theodora Kroeber
Island of the Blue Dolphins
by Scott O'Dell
Jefferson and the Indians
by Anthony F C Wallace
Jim Beckwourth
by Elinor Wilson
Jim Thorpe
by Guernsey Van Riper
John Rollin Ridge
by James Parins
John Slocum and the Indian Shaker Church
by Robert H Ruby
Joseph Brant, 1743-1807, Man of Two Worlds
by Iasel Thompson Kelsay
Joseph N. Nicollet on the Plains and Prairies
by Edmund C Coleman
Juan the Chamula
by Ricardo Pozas
by Jean Craighead George
Julie of the Wolves
by Jean Craighead George
Kachina Dolls
by Helga Teiwes
Kachina Tales from the Indian Pueblos
by Gene Hodge
by Marcia Muth
by Maureen Bell
by Francis La Flesche
Keep Going
by Joseph, III Marshall
Keepers of Life
by Michael J Caduto
Keepers of the Animals
by Joseph Bruchac
Keepers of the Earth
by Joseph Bruchac
Keeping Heart on Pine Ridge
by Victor Glover
Keeping the Spirit Alive
by Bonnie B Kahn
Killing Custer
by James Welch
by Monty Roessel
by Charlotte Johnson Frisbie
Kinsmen of Another Kind
by Gary Clayton Anderson
Kiowa Military Societies
by William C Meadows
by Johann Georg Kohl
Knots on a Counting Rope
by Bill, Jr Martin
Labor's Lot
by Elizabeth A Povinelli
Lakota and Cheyenne
by Jerome A Greene
Lakota Belief and Ritual
by James R Walker
Lakota English Dictionary
by Eugene Buechel, S.J.
Lakota Healer
by Marco Ridomi
Lakota Keyboard and Fonts Bundle
by Lakota Language Consortium
Lakota Language Book / CD
by Peter V. Catches
Lakota Language Textbook - Level 2
by Lakota Language Consortium
Lakota Language Workbook & CD - Book One
by Peter V. Catches
Lakota Language Workbook & CD - Book Two
by Peter V. Catches
Lakota Myth
by James R Walker
Lakota Noon
by Gregory F Michno
Lakota Portraits
by Joseph Agonito
Lakota Recollections of the Custer Fight
by Richard G Hardorff
Lakota Society
by James R Walker
Lakota Woman
by Mary Crow Dog
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions
by John Lame Deer
Land of the Spotted Eagle
by Luther Standing Bear
Lanterns on the Prairie
by Steven L Grafe
Last of the Mohicans
by James Fenimore Cooper
Ledger Narratives
by Colin G Calloway
Left Handed, Son of Old Man Hat
by Walter Dyk
Legend of Sleeping Bear
by Kathy Wargin
Legends of the Delaware Indians and Picture Writing
by Richard C Adams
Legends of the Iroquois
by Tehanetorens
Legends of the Seminoles
by Betty M Jumper
Legends of the Yosemite Miwok
by Harry Fonseca
Lena Taku Waste, These Good Things
by Bill Mercer
Les Sauvages Americains
by Gordon M Sayre
Lessons of a Lakota
by Billy Mills
Let Me Be Free
by David Sievert Lavender
Let's Speak Chickasaw
by Pamela Munro
Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Conditions of North American
by George Catlin
Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North Amer
by George Catlin
Lewis and Clark among the Indians
by James P Ronda
Lewis and Clark Through Indian Eyes
by Alvin M Josephy Jr
Lewis H. Morgan on Iroquois Material Culture
by Elisabeth Tooker
Life Among the Piutes
by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins
Life Among the Texas Indians
by David La Vere
Life Amongst the Modocs
by Joaquin Miller
Life Lived Like a Story
by Julie Cruikshank
Life of George Bent
by George E Hyde
Life's Journey - Zuya
by Albert White Hat
Life, Letters and Speeches
by George Copway
Light in the Crevice Never Seen
by Haunani-Kay Trask
Lightning Within
by Alan R Velie
Like a Hurricane
by Paul Chaat Smith
Listening to Our Ancestors
by Smithsonian American Indian
Little Bit Know Something
by Robin Ridington
Little Bit of Wisdom
by Horace Axtell
Little Black, A Pony
by Walter Farley
Little Chief's Gatherings
by James A Hanson
Living in Two Worlds
by Charles A Eastman
Living Like Indians:
by Allan A Macfarlan
Living the Sky
by Ray A Williamson
Living Tradition of Maria Martinez
by Susan Peterson
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock
by Blue Clark
Long Powwow Nights!
by David Bouchard
Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast
by Hilary Stewart
Lushootseed Texts
by Crisca Bierwert
Mabel McKay
by Greg Sarris
by Barbara Gray-Kanatiiosh
Main Stalk
by John R Farella
Make a Beautiful Way
by Barbara Alice Mann
Making Peace with Cochise
by Joseph Alton Sladen
Mama, Do You Love Me?
by Barbara M Joosse
Mammals of North America
by Sarah E Boehme
Manifest Manners
by Gerald Vizenor
by Wilma Pearl Mankiller
Manual for the Peacemaker
by Jean Houston
March of the Montana Column
by James H Bradley
by Al Marriott
Maria Making Pottery
by Hazel Hyde
Marietta Wetherill
by Kathryn Gabriel
Mary Jemison
by Rayna M Gangi
Mashpee Indians
by Jack Campisi
Masked Gods
by Frank Waters
Masks of Difference
by D Richards
Masterworks from the Heard Museum
McIntosh and Weatherford
by Benjamin W Griffith
Me Funny
by Drew Hayden Taylor
Mediation In Contemporary Native American Fiction
by James Ruppert
Medical Herbalism
by David Hoffmann
Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West
by Michael Moore
Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie
by Kelly Kindscher
Medicine Cards
by Jamie Sams
Medicine Hat
by Don Coldsmith
Medicine Wheel Ceremonies
by Cindy Rodberg
Medicine Women Curanderas and Women Doctors
by Bobette Perrone
Meditations with Animals
by Gerald Hausman
Meditations with the Navajo
by Gerald Hausman
Melanie Bluelake's Dream
by Betty Dorion
Memory and Vision
by Emma I Hansen
Men as Women, Women as Men
by Sabine Lang
Men’s Fancy Dancer
Messengers of the Wind
by Jane B Katz
Midwinter Rites of the Cayuga Long House
by Frank G Speck
Miranda's Last Stand
by Gloria Whelan
Mission Among the Blackfeet
by Howard L Harrod
Missions of the Central Coast
by Lerner
Missions of the Inland Valleys
by Lerner
Missions of the Southern Coast
by Lerner
by Barbara Gray-Kanatiiosh
by Cheewa James
by Maricel E Presilla
Molded in the Image of Changing Woman
by Maureen Schwarz
Molly Spotted Elk
by Bunny McBride
Momaday, Vizenor, Armstrong
by Hartwig Isernhagen
Montana Native Plants & Early Peoples
by Jeff Hart
Montana's Indians
by William L Bryan
Moon Dancer
by Margaret I Rostkowski
Moon of Popping Trees
by Rex Alan Smith
More Than Moccasins
by Laurie Carlson
Morning Girl
by Michael Dorris
Morning Star Gallery Catalog - Volume 6
Mother Earth
by Sam D Gill
Mother Earth Spirituality
by Ed McGaa
Mother Earth, Father Sky
by Marcia Keegan
Mounds of Earth and Shell
by Bonnie Shemie
Mountain Windsong
by Robert J Conley
Mountain Wolf Woman, Sister of Crashing Thunder
by Nancy O Lurie
Mourning Dove
by Mourning Dove
Mullet on the Beach
by Patricia C Griffin
My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians
by Fanny Kelly
My Indian Boyhood
by Luther Standing Bear
Mythic Beings
by Gary Wyatt
Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest
by Katharine B Judson
Myths and Legends of the Sioux
by Marie L McLaughlin
Myths and Tales of the Chiricahua Apache Indians
by Morris Edward Opler
Myths and Tales of the Jicarilla Apache Indians
by Morris Edward Opler
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians
by John R Swanton
Myths and Traditions of the Arikara Indians
by Douglas R Parks
Myths of Pre-Columbian America
by Donald A MacKenzie
N. Scott Momaday
by Matthias Schubnell
Nations of the Northeast Coast
by Bobbie D Kalman
Nations of the Southeast
by Bobbie D Kalman
Native America in the Twentieth Century
by Mary B Davis
Native American Affairs and the Department of Defense
by David Rubenson
Native American Animal Stories
by Joseph Bruchac
Native American Autobiography
by Arnold Krupat
Native American Beadwork
by William C Orchard
Native American Beadwork
by Georg Barth
Native American Communities in Wisconsin, 1600-1960
by Robert E Bieder
Native American Courtship & Marriage
by Leslie Gourse
Native American Ethnobotany
by Daniel E Moerman
Native American Games and Stories
by James Bruchac
Native American Gardening
by Michael J Caduto
Native American History
by Judith Nies
Native American History for Kids
by Karen Bush Gibson
Native American Hunting and Fighting Skills
by Colin F Taylor
Native American Interactions
by Michael S Nassaney
Native American Legends
by George Lankford
Native American Mathematics
by Michael P Closs
Native American Medicinal Plants
by Daniel E Moerman
Native American Perspectives on Literature and History
by Alan R Velie
Native American Placenames of the United States
by William Bright
Native American Prophecies
by Scott Peterson
Native American Religion
by Joel W Martin
Native American Religious Identity
by Jace Weaver
Native American Rock Art
by Yvette La Pierre
Native American Stories
by Joseph Bruchac
Native American Tarot
by Lo Scarabeo
Native American Verbal Art
by William M Clements
Native American Wisdom
by Kent Nerburn
Native American Wisdom
by Edward S Curtis
Native American Wisdom Navajo, Hopi, Lakota
by Terry P Wilson
Native American Writing in the Native Southeast
by Daniel F Littlefield
Native Americans
by Kurt Haderer
Native Americans - Edward S. Curtis
by Edward S Curtis
Native Americans and the Early Republic
by Frederick E Hoxie
Native Americans in the Twentieth Century
by James S Olson
Native Americans of California and Nevada
by Jack D Forbes
Native Arts of North America, Africa, and the South Pacific
by George A Corbin
Native Arts of the Columbia Plateau
by Susan Harless
Native Canadian Anthropology and History, rev ed
by Shepard Krech
Native Harvests
by E. Barrie Kavash
Native Land
by Mary Ann Wells
Native North America
by Larry Zimmerman
Native North American Almanac
by Cynthia Rose
Native North American Art
by Janet Catherine Berlo
Native North American Biography
by Sharon Malinowski
Native North American Foods and Recipes
by Bobbie D Kalman
Native North American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands
by Elizabeth Tooker
Native North American Voices
by Gale Research Inc
Native North American Wisdom and Gifts
by Bobbie D Kalman
Native Paths:
Native People of Southern New England, 1500-1650
by Kathleen J Bragdon
Native People, Native Ways Series
by White Deer of Autumn
Native Plant Stories
by Joseph Bruchac
Native Resistance and the Pax Colonial in New Spain
by Susan Schroeder
Native Roots
by Jack Weatherford
Native Science
by Gregory Cajete
Native Universe
by Gerald McMaster
Native Ways
by Malcolm Margolin
Native Wisdom for White Minds
by Anne Wilson Schaef
Natives and Academics
by Devon A Mihesuah
Navaho Indian Myths
by Aileen O'Bryan
Navaho Trading Days
by Elizabeth Compton Hegemann
Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom
by Peter Gold
Navajo Coyote Tales
by Father Berard Haile, O. F. M.
Navajo Kinship and Marriage
by Gary Witherspoon
Navajo Long Walk
by Nancy Armstrong
Navajo Sacred Places
by Klara Bonsack Kelley
Navajo Women
by Betty Reid
Navajo-English Dictionary
by Davidovic Mladen
Navajos Wear Nikes
by Jim Kristofic
New England Encounters
by Alden T Vaughan
New England Frontier, 3rd edition
by Alden T Vaughan
New Lakota Dictionary - 2nd Edition
New World Babel
by Edward G Gray
New Worlds for All
by Colin G Calloway
Nez Perce Coyote Tales
by Deward E Walker
Nez Perce Women in Transition, 1877-1990
by Caroline James
Night Flying Woman
by Ignatia Broker
Night of the Full Moon
by Gloria Whelan
No Parole Today
by Laura Tohe
No Turning Back
by Polingaysi Qoyawayma
North Alaska Chronicle
by John Martin Campbell
North America
by Bruce G Trigger
North American Bows, Arrows, and Quivers
by Otis Tufton Mason
North American Indian Activity Book
by Winky Adam
North American Indian Beadwork Patterns
by Pamela Stanley-Millner
North American Indian Tales
by W T Larned
North American Indians
by Douglas W Gorsline
Northeastern Indian Lives, 1632-1816
by Robert S Grumet
Northern Haida Songs
by John Enrico
Northwest Coast Indian Designs
by Madeline Obran-Szontagh
Northwest Coast Indian Painting
by Edward Malin
Northwest Coast Indians Coloring Book
by David Rickman
Northwest Indian Design Coloring Book
by Caren Caraway
Notable Native Americans
by Sharon Malinowski
Now is the Hour
by Elisabeth Dietz
Now That the Buffalos Gone
by Alvin M Josephy
Now the Wolf Has Come
by Christine Schultz White
Numbers from Nowhere
by David Henige
O Brave New Words!
by Charles L Cutler
Of Earth and Elders
by Serle Chapman
Of Earth and Little Rain
by Bernard L Fontana
Off the Reservation
by Paula Gunn Allen
Offering Smoke
by Jordan Paper
Oglala Religion
by William K Powers
Ohio Hopewell
by William S Dancey
Ohitika Woman
by Mary Brave Bird
by Raymond Wilson
Ojibwa Warrior
by Dennis Banks
Ojibway Ceremonies
by Basil H Johnston
Ojibway Heritage
by Basil H Johnston
Ojibway Tales
by Basil H Johnston
by Thomas Peacock
Ojibwe in Minnesota
by Anton Steven Treuer
Old Bag of Bones
by Janet Stevens
Old Father Story Teller
by Pablita Velarde
Old Indian Trails
by Walter McClintock
Old Man Coyote
by Frank B Linderman
On Mother's Lap
by Ann Herbert Scott
On Our Own Ground
by William Apess
One Hundred Summers
by Candice Greene
One Hundred Years of Old Man Sage
by Jeffrey D Anderson
Only Approved Indians
by Jack D Forbes
Only the Names Remain
by Alex W Bealer
by Willard H Rollings
Osage Dictionary
by Carolyn Quintero
Osage Life and Legends
by Robert M Liebert
Osceola, Patriot and Warrior
by Moses Jumper
Other Destinies
by Louis Owens
Our Hearts Fell to the Ground
by Colin G Calloway
Our Hearts Fell to the Ground
by Colin G Calloway
Our Tellings
by Darwin Hanna
Over the Earth I Come
by Duane Schultz
Pages from Hopi History
by Harry C James
Painting the Wild Frontier
by Susanna Reich
Parker on the Iroquius
by Arthur Caswell Parker
Partial Justice
by Petra T Shattuck
Partial Justice
by Petra T Shattuck
Paths of Life
by Thomas E Sheridan
Patrick Des Jarlait
by Neva Williams
Pattern, Breechclout & Leggings
Pattern, Buckskin Pants
Pattern, Cherokee / Southeastern Moccasins
Pattern, Cherokee Man's Ribbon Shirt
Pattern, Cherokee Tear Dress
Pattern, Child's Capote
Pattern, Child's Cloth Dress
Pattern, Child's Jingle Dress
Pattern, Child's Plains Moccasins
Pattern, Child's Ribbon Shirt
Pattern, Drop Sleeve Shirt
Pattern, Eastern Hunting Shirt
Pattern, Eastern Longhunter's Accessories
Pattern, Free Trapper Hat
Pattern, Grass Dance Outfit
Pattern, Indian Women's Accessories
Pattern, Jingle Dress
Pattern, Mountain Man Work Shirt
Pattern, Plains Indian Buckskin Dress
Pattern, Plains Indian Cloth Dress
Pattern, Plains Style Hi-Top Moccasins
Pattern, Plains Style Moccasins
Pattern, Plains War Shirt
Pattern, Ribbon Shirt
Pattern, Rifleman's Hunting Frock
Pattern, Ruffle Front Shirt
Pattern, Southern Plains Flap Leggings
Pattern, Southern Plains Tab Leggings
Pattern, Strait Dance Suit
Pattern, The Capote
Pattern, Tradecloth Dress
Pattern, Trapper's Buckskin Shirt
Pattern, Voyagers Shirt
Patterns and Ceremonials of the Indians of the Southwest
by Ira Moskowitz
Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild West
by Allen L Farnum
Pawnee Passage, 1870-1875
by Martha Royce Blaine
Peace & Friendship
by Francis Paul Prucha
People of the Blue Water
by Flora Gregg Iliff
People of the Circle
by Chris Roberts
People of the Dalles
by Robert Boyd
People of the Peyote
by Stacy B Schaefer
People of the Wind River
by Henry E Stamm
Peoples of the Plains
by Thomas E Mails
Peoples of the Plateau
by Steven L Grafe
Pequots in Southern New England
by Laurence M Hauptman
by Liz Sonneborn
Personal Recollections and Observations of General Nelson A. Miles
by Nelson A Miles
by Edward F Anderson
by Edward F Anderson
Peyote Hunt
by Barbara G Myerhoff
Peyote Religion
by Omer Call Stewart
Phoenix Indian School
by Dorothy R Parker
Phoenix Rising
by Mary Summer Rain
Picture Writing of the American Indians
by Garrick Mallery
Picture-Writing of the American Indians
by Garrick Mallery
Pieces of White Shell
by Terry Tempest Williams
Pipe, Bible, and Peyote Among the Oglala Lakota
by Paul B Steinmetz
Place of the Pretend People
by Carolyn Kremers
Plains Apache Ethnobotany
by Julia A Jordan
Plains Indian Art
by John C Ewers
Plains Indian Designs
by Caren Caraway
Plains Indian Drawings, 1865-1935
by Janet Catherine Berlo
Plains Indian Knife Sheaths
by Alex Kozlov
Plains Indian Raiders
by Wilbur Sturtevant Nye
Plains Indians Regalia & Customs
by Howard Bad Hand
Planning for Balanced Development
by Susan Guyette
Plants of Power - Revised Edition
by Alfred Savinelli
Playing Indian
by Philip J Deloria
Plenty Coups Chief of Crows
by Frank B Linderman
Po Pai Mo
by Robert Boissiere
by Jan Gleiter
by Grace Steele Woodward
by Andy Holmes
Pocahontas's People
by Helen C Rountree
Political Leaders and Peacemakers
by Victoria Sherrow
by Barbara Gray-Kanatiiosh
Portage Lake
by Maude Kegg
Portraits of Native Americans
by Charles H Carpenter
by R David Edmunds
by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith
Pottery by American Indian Women
by Susan Peterson
Pottery Techniques of Native North America
by John Kennardh White
Pow Wow
by George Horse Capture
Pow Wow Trail
by Julia C White
POW-WOW: Dancer's and Craftworker's Handbook
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
Power of Silence
by Carlos Castaneda
Powerful Images
by Sarah E Boehme
Powhatan's Mantle
by Peter H Wood
Powhatan's Mantle
by Gregory A Waselkov
Powhatan's World and Colonial Virginia
by Frederic W Gleach
by Ben Marra
by George Ancona
Powwow Activity Book
by Sandy Hummingbird
Powwow Country
by Chris Roberts
Prairie Smoke
by Melvin R Gilmore
President Washington's Indian War
by Wiley Sword
Pretty Shield
by Frank B Linderman
Prison Writings
by Leonard F Peltier
Privileging the Past
by Judith Ostrowitz
Promise is a Promise
by Robert N Munsch
by Vincent Scully
Pueblo and Navajo Indian Life Today
by Kris Hotvedt
Pueblo Artists
by Toba Tucker
Pueblo Girls
by Marcia Keegan
Pueblo Gods and Myths
by Hamilton A Tyler
Pueblo Indian Cookbook
by Phyllis Hughes
Pueblo Indian Embroidery
by H P Mera
Pueblo Indian Religion
by Elsie Clews Parsons
Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1696 and the Franciscan Missions in New Mexi
by J Manuel Espinosa
Pueblo Nations
by Joe S Sando
Pueblo People
by Marcia Keegan
Pueblo Profiles
by Joe S Sando
Pueblo Storyteller
by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith
Pumpkin Seed Point
by Frank Waters
Quanah Parker
by Rosemary K Kissinger
Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief
by William T Hagan
Queen of Dreams
by Heather Valencia
Quest for Empire
by Donald Cutter
Racing the Sun
by Paul Pitts
Rainbow Crow
by Nancy Van Laan
Rainhouse and Ocean
by Ruth Murray Underhill
by Gerald McDermott
Raven Travelling
by Daina Augaitis
Raven's Village
by Canadian Museum of Civilization
Reading and Writing the Lakota Language
by Albert White Hat
Reading the Fire
by Jarold Ramsey
Recovering Our Ancestors' Gardens
by Devon A Mihesuah
Red Blood
by Jack Forbes
Red Cloud
by Robert W Larson
Red Cloud's Folk
by George E Hyde
Red Earth, White Lies
by Vine, Jr Deloria
Red Jacket
by Arthur Caswell Parker
Red Jacket
by Christopher Densmore
Red Lake Nation
by Charles Brill
Red Man's Land/White Man's Law
by Wilcomb E Washburn
Red Man's Religion
by Ruth Murray Underhill
Red on Red
by Craig S Womack
Red Power
by Alvin M Josephy Jr
Red World and White
by John Rogers
Reformers and Activists
by Nancy J Nielsen
Religions of American Indians
by Ake Hultkrantz
Removal Aftershock
by Jane F Lancaster
Renegade Tribe
by Clifford E Trafzer
Renewing the World
by Howard L Harrod
by Ted C Williams
Restoring a Presence
by Peter Nabokov
Rethinking American Indian History
by Donald L Fixico
Return of the Sun
by Joseph Bruchac
Reuben Snake, Your Humble Serpent
by Jay C Fikes
Rez Life
by David Treuer
Rio del Norte
by Carroll L Riley
Rising Voices
by Arlene B Hirschfelder
Rites of Conquest
by Charles E Cleland
Ritual and Honor
by Max Carocci
Ritual and Myth Odawa Revitalization
by Melissa A Pflug
Road on Which We Came
by Steven J Crum
Robes of Splendor
by George P Horse Capture
Rolling Thunder Speaks
by Rolling Thunder
Roots of Survival
by Joseph Bruchac
Rosebud Sioux
by Donovin Sprague
Runner in the Sun
by D'Arcy McNickle
Running Bear
by George McMullen
Runs with Horses
by Brian Burks
Saanii Dahataa, the Women Are Singing
by Luci Tapahonso
by Meryl Henderson
by Jan Gleiter
Sacred Earth
by Arthur Versluis
Sacred Hoops
by Phil Jackson
Sacred Land, Sacred View
by Robert S McPherson
Sacred Path Cards
by Jamie Sams
Sacred Pipe
by Joseph Epes Brown
Sacred Plant Medicine
by Stephen Buhner
Sacred Revolt
by Joel W Martin
Sacred Sites
by Susan Suntree
Sacred Smoke
by Harvest McCampbell
Saga of Chief Joseph
by Helen Addison Howard
Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England
by W Deloss Love
Sarah Winnemucca of the Northern Piautes
by Gae W Canfield
by Charles M, III Robinson
by Charles M, III Robinson
Scalp Dance
by Thomas Goodrich
Schism and Continuity in an African Society
by Victor Turner
Scholars, Writers, and Professionals
by Claire M Wilson
Schoolcraft's Indian Legends
by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Schoolcraft's Ojibwa Lodge Stories
by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Science Encounters the Indian, 1820-1880
by Robert E Bieder
Screaming Hawk
by Patton L Boyle
Screaming Hawk Returns
by Patton L Boyle
Search for an American Indian Identity
by Hazel W Hertzberg
Searching for Red Eagle
by Mary Ann Wells
Seeds of Empire
by Max M Mintz
Sees Behind Trees
by Michael Dorris
Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture, and Personality
by Edward Sapir
by Marilou Awiakta
Seminole Burning
by Daniel F Littlefield
Seth Eastman
by Sarah E Boehme
Seven Clans of the Cherokee Society
by Marcelina Reed
Sex and Conquest
by Richard C Trexler
Shadows of the Indian
by Raymond William Stedman
Shadows on Glass
by Patricia Janis Broder
Shadows on the Koyukuk
by Sidney Huntington
by Sandra King
by Karen Kramer Russell
Sharing the Gift of Lakota Song
by R.D. Theisz
Shasta Indian Tales
by Rosemary Holsinger
Shawnee Prophet
by R David Edmunds
She Sang Promise
by Jan Godown Annino
She's Tricky Like Coyote
by Lionel Youst
Sheridan's Troopers on the Border
by De B Randolph Keim
Shooting Back from the Reservation
by Jim Hubbard
Shoshone Ghost Dance Religion
by Judith Vander
Sign Language Among North American Indians
by Garrick Mallery
Silver Horn
by Candice Greene
Sing Down the Moon
by Scott O'Dell
Sing Down the Rain
by Judi Moreillon
Sing with the Heart of a Bear
by Kenneth Lincoln
Singing an Indian Song
by Dorothy R Parker
Singing for a Spirit
by Vine, Jr Deloria
Singing Spirit
by Bernd C Peyer
Sioux Indian Religion
by Raymond J Demallie
Sister to the Sioux
by Elaine Goodale Eastman
Sitting Bull
by George Custer
Six Nations of New York
by Robert Venables
Six Weeks in the Sioux Tepees
by Sarah F Wakefield
Six Weeks in the Sioux Tepees
by Sarah F Wakefield
Sixth Grandfather
by Raymond J Demallie
by Joanne Shenandoah-Tekalihwa
Sliammon Life, Sliammon Lands
by Dorothy Kennedy
Smoke Signals
by Sherman Alexie
Soft Child
by Joe Hayes
Some Things Are Not Forgotten
by Martha Royce Blaine
Somebody Always Singing You
by Kaylynn Twotrees
Son of 2 Bloods
by Vincent L Mendoza
by Stig Holmas
Song of Rita Joe
by Rita Joe
Song of the Sky
by Brian Swann
by Judith Vander
Songs from the Loom
by Monty Roessel
Songs of Power and Prayer in the Columbia Plateau
by Chad Hamill
Songs of the Tewa
by Herbert Joseph Spinden
by Robert D San Souci
Sorrow in Our Heart
by Allan W Eckert
Source Material on the History and Ethnology of the Caddo Indians
by John R Swanton
Southwest Indian Design Stained Glass Coloring Book
by Carol Krez
Southwest Indian Designs
by Caren Caraway
Southwest Indian Life Stickers
by Steven James Petruccio
Southwestern Pottery
by Allan Hayes
Sparrow Hawk Red
by Ben Mikaelsen
Spider Woman Stories
by G M Mullett
Spider Woman's Granddaughters
by Paula Gunn Allen
Spiderwoman's Dream
by Alicia Otis
Spirit and Reason
by Vine, Jr Deloria
Spirit Beings and Sun Dancers
by Janet Catherine Berlo
Spirit Capture
by Tim Johnson
Spirit Healing
by Mary Dean Atwood
Spirit of Powwow
by Kay Johnston
Spirit of the First People
by Willie Smyth
Spirit of the Ojibwe
by Sara Balbin
Spirit of the White Bison
by Beatrice Culleton
Spirit Song
by Mary Summer Rain
Spirits of the Earth
by Bobby Lake-Thom
Spiritual Encounters
by Nicholas Griffiths
Splendid Heritage
by John Warnock
Spoken Cree Level II
by C Douglas Ellis
Spotted Tail's Folk
by George E Hyde
Standing Bear and the Ponca Chiefs
by Thomas Henry Tibbles
Standing in the Light
by Severt Young Bear
Star Boy
by Paul Goble
Star Medicine
by Wolf Moondance
by Gerald Hausman
Still Chasing Rainbows
by Barry Friedman
Stories and Images of What the Horse Has Done
by Bill Cohen
Stories of the People
by National Museum of the American Indian
Stories That Make the World
by Lawrence Aripa
Storms Brewed in Other Mens Worlds
by Elizabeth A H John
Story of Lynx
by Claude Levi-Strauss
by Leslie Marmon Silko
Strange Empire
by Joseph Kinsey Howard
Strange Journey
by Louise Lone Dog
Streams to the River, River to the Sea
by Scott O'Dell
Strength of the Earth
by Christopher Densmore
Strong Heart Song
by Lance Henson
Strong Hearts
by Aperture
Studies in American Indian Literature
by Paula Gunn Allen
Studying Native America
by Russell Thornton
Summer People, Winter People
by Sandra A Edelman
Sun Chief
by Leo W Simmons
by John Joseph Mathews
Survival Arts of the Primitive Paiutes
by Margaret M Wheat
by Thomas Spear
Swamp Sailors in the Second Seminole Ware
by George E Buker
Sweet Medicine
by Peter J Powell
by Jan Hudson
Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family
by Lewis Henry Morgan
Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo
by Hinrich Rink
Tales of a Pueblo Boy
by Lawrence Vallo
Tales of Power
by Carlos Castaneda
Tales of the Tepee
by Edward Everett Dale
Talking to the Ground
by Douglas J Preston
Talking to the Moon
by John Joseph Mathews
Tanaina Tales from Alaska
by Bill Vaudrin
Taos Tales
by Elsie Clews Parasons
Tapestries in Sand
by David Villasenor
Tatanka and the Lakota People
by Donald F Montileaux
Teaching American Indian Students
by Jon Reyhner
Teachings from the American Earth
by Dennis Tedlock
Teachings of Nature
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
Technology Connections for Native American
by Jennifer Prior
by John Sugden
Tecumseh's Last Stand
by John Sugden
Tell Them We Are Going Home
by John H Monnett
Ten Little Rabbits
by Virginia Grossman
Tewa World
by Alfonso Ortiz
Texas Indian Myths and Legends
by Jane Archer
The Alabama-Coushatta Indians
by Jonathan Hook
The Algonquin Birchbark Canoe
by David Gidmark
The Allegany Senecas and Kinzua Dam
by Joy A Bilharz
The Ambiguous Iroquois Empire
by Francis Jennings
The American Indian and the End of the Confederacy, 1863-1866
by Annie Heloise Abel
The American Indian Parfleche
by Gaylord Torrence
The American Indians
by Edward H Spicer
The American Pueblo Indian Activity Book
by Walter D Yoder
The Apaches
by Donald E Worcester
The Apalachee Indians and Mission San Luis
by John H Hann
The Arctic Sky
by John MacDonald
The Arikara Narrative of Custer's Campaign and the Battle of the Little Big
by Orin Grant Libby
The Art of the Native American Flute
by R Carlos Nakai
The Artist & the Missionary
by Buffalo Bill Historical Center
The Assiniboine
by Edwin Thompson Denig
The Bannock of Idaho
by Brigham D Madsen
The Battle of the Little Bighorn
by Mark Henckel
The Bear-Walker
by Basil H Johnston
The Bedbugs' Night Dance and Other Hopi Tales of Sexual Encounter
by Ekkehart Malotki
The Birchbark House
by Louise Erdrich
The Black Seminoles
by Kenneth W Porter
The Blizzard's Robe
by Robert Sabuda
The Boy & His Mud Horses
by Paul Goble
The Boy Who Made Dragonfly
by Tony Hillerman
The British Museum Encyclopedia of Native North America
by Rayna Green
The Caddo Chiefdoms
by David La Vere
The Caddo Nation
by Timothy K Perttula
The Cayuse Indians
by Robert H Ruby
The Cherokee Full Circle
by J T Garrett
The Cherokee Herbal
by J T Garrett
The Cherokee Nation - A History
by Robert J Conley
The Cherokees
by Russell Thornton
The Cherokees
by Grace Steele Woodward
The Cherokees Past and Present
by J Edward Sharpe
The Cheyenne
by Andrew Santella
The Cheyenne Indians
by George Bird Grinnell
The Cheyenne Indians, Volume 1
by George Bird Grinnell
The Cheyenne Indians, Volume 2
by George Bird Grinnell
The Chilliwacks and Their Neighbors
by Oliver Wells
The Chippewas of Lake Superior
by Edmund Jefferson Danzinger
The Comanches
by Thomas W Kavanagh
The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence
by Robert T Boyd
The Complete Book of Seminole Patchwork
by Beverly Rush
The Conquest of America
by Tzvetan Todorov
The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War After the Conquest of Canada
by Francis Parkman
The Cosmic Serpent
by Jeremy Narby
The Courage of Sarah Noble
by Alice Dalgliesh
The Coyote Bead
by Gerald Hausman
The Creek
by Shirlee P Newman
The Crooked Beak of Love
by Duane Niatum
The Crooked Stovepipe
by Craig Mishler
The Crow Indians
by Robert H Lowie
The Dakota or Sioux in Minnesota as They Were in 1834
by Samuel W Pond
The Dance House
by Joseph, III Marshall
The Dancing Healers
by Carl A Hammerschlag
The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-1
by Kent Carter
The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn
by Joseph, III Marshall
The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca
by Anthony F C Wallace
The Delaware Indians
by C A Weslager
The Double Life of Pocahontas
by Jean Fritz
The Dream Seekers
by Lee Irwin
The Dust Rose Like Smoke
by James O Gump
The Eagle's Gift
by Carlos Castaneda
The Early Kachemak Phase on Kodiak Island at Old Kiavak
by Donald W Clark
The Earth Made New
by Paul Goble
The Earth Under Sky Bear's Feet
by Joseph Bruchac
The Ecological Indian
by Shepard Krech
The Encyclopedia of Native Music
by Brian Wright-McLeod
The End of Indian Kansas
by Craig Miner
The Enduring Seminoles
by Patsy West
The Eskimos
by Ernest S, Jr Burch
The European Conquest of North America
by Constance Jones
The Eyes of Chief Seattle
by Suquamish Museum
The False Faces of the Iroquois
by William N Fenton
The Far West
by J Norman Heard
The Fatal Environment
by Richard Slotkin
The Feathered Heart
by Mark Turcotte
The Feathered Sun
by Frithjof Schuon
The Fighting Cheyennes
by George Bird Grinnell
The First Americans
by Joy Hakim
The First Koshare
by Alicia Otis
The First Nations of British Columbia
by Robert James Muckle
The First Strawberries
by Joseph Bruchac
The Five Civilized Tribes
by Grant Foreman
The Five Crows Ledger
by James D Keyser
The Four Hills of Life
by Thomas Peacock
The Four Hills of Life
by Jeffrey D Anderson
The Fourth World of the Hopis
by Harold Courlander
The Fox Wars
by R David Edmunds
The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890
by James Mooney
The Ghost-Dance Religion and Wounded Knee
by James Mooney
The Gift of the Sacred Pipe
by Vera L Drysdale
The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow
by Ann Rinaldi
The Girl Who Dreamed Only Geese, and Other Tales of the Far North
by Howard Norman
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
by Paul Goble
The Glorious Quest of Chief Washakie
by Ralph H Tillman
The Good Path
by Thomas Peacock
The Gospel of the Redman
by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Gospel of the Redman
by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Grand Hall
by Leslie H Tepper
The Grandfathers Speak
by Hitakonanulaxk
The Great Change
by White Deer of Autumn
The Great Father
by Francis Paul Prucha
The Great Kiva
by Phillips Kloss
The Great Law and the Longhouse
by William N Fenton
The Hako
by Alice C Fletcher
The Hands Feel It
by Edith Turner
The Hasinais
by Herbert Eugene Bolton
The Heart is Fire
by Deborah Dozier
The Heiltsuks
by Michael E Harkin
The Herbal Handbook
by David Hoffmann
The History of Philip's War
by Thomas Church
The Hoe and the Horse on the Plains
by Preston Holder
The Hoe and the Horse on the Plains
by Preston Holder
The Hoop of Peace
by Jan Havnen-Finley
The Hopi Survival Kit
by Thomas E Mails
The Hopi Way
by Robert Boissiere
The Hunt for Willie Boy
by James A Sandos
The Imperial Osages
by Gilbert C Din
The Indian in the Cupboard
by Lynne Reid Banks
The Indian Peoples of Eastern America
by James Axtell
The Indian Reform Letters of Helen Hunt Jackson, 1879-1885
by Helen Hunt Jackson
The Indian Sign Language
by W P Clark
The Indian Southwest, 1580-1830
by Gary Clayton Anderson
The Indian Tipi, 2nd Edition
by Reginald Laubin
The Indian Tribes of North America
by John R Swanton
The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Region of the Great L
by Emma H Blair
The Indians in American Society
by Francis Paul Prucha
The Indians in Oklahoma
by Rennard Strickland
The Indians of Louisiana
by Fred B Kniffen
The Indians of Southern California in 1852
by B D Wilson
The Indians of the Southwest
by Edward Everett Dale
The Invasion of Indian Country in the 20th Century
by Donald L Fixico
The Ioway Indians
by Martha Royce Blaine
The Iroquois
by Dean R Snow
The Iroquois in the American Revolution
by Barbara Graymont
The Iroquois in the Civil War
by Laurence M Hauptman
The Iroquois in the War of 1812
by Carl Benn
The Iroquois Restoration
by Richard Aquila
The Journey of Crazy Horse
by Joseph, III Marshall
The Kalispel Indians
by John R Fahey
The Kansa Indians
by William E Unrau
The Key to the Indian
by Lynne Reid Banks
The Killing of Crazy Horse
by Thomas Powers
The King of the World in the Land of the Pygmies
by Joan Mark
The Kiowas, 2nd ed
by Mildred P Mayhall
The Lakota Ritual of the Sweat Lodge
by Raymond A Bucko
The Lakota Sioux
by Andrew Santella
The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards
by Archie Fire Lame Deer
The Lakota Way
by Joseph, III Marshall
The Lakotas and the Black Hills
by Jeffrey Ostler
The Lance and the Shield
by Robert M Utley
The Last Algonquin
by Theodore L Kazamiroff
The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle
by Jewel Grutman
The Legacy of D'Arcy McNickle
by John Lloyd Purdy
The Legend of the Bluebonnet
by Tomie de Paola
The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush
by Tomie de Paola
The Legend of the White Buffalo Woman
by Paul Goble
The Life and Times of James Willard Schultz (Apikuni)
by Warren L Hanna
The Light People
by Gordon, Jr Henry
The Lightning Stick
by H Henrietta Stockel
The Lightning Within
by Alan R Velie
The Little Water Medicine Society of The Senecas
by William N Fenton
The Living Tradition of Yup'ik Masks
by Ann Fienup-Riordan
The Long Crossing
by Neva Powell
The Long Death
by Ralph K Andrist
The Longest Ride
by Denise Lewis Patrick
The Lost Children
by Paul Goble
The Magic Hummingbird
by Ekkehart Malotki
The Magic World
by William Brandon
The Maidu Indian Myths and Stories of Hanc'ibyjim
by William Shipley
The Making of Sacagawea
by Donna J Kessler
The Man Made of Words
by N Scott Momaday
The Manitous
by Basil H Johnston
The Massacre at Sand Creek
by Bruce Cutler
The Medicine Men
by Thomas H Lewis
The Medicine Wheel Garden
by E Barrie Kavasch
The Melungeons
by Bonnie Ball
The Memoirs of Lt. Henry Timberlake
by Duane H King
The Menomini Indians of Wisconsin
by Felix Keesing
The Mescalero Apaches
by C L Sonnichsen
The Messenger of Spring
by Carrie J Taylor
The Miami Indians of Indiana
by Stewart Rafert
The Modern Fancy Dancer
by C Scott Evans
The Modocs and Their War
by Keith A Murray
The Montana Cree
by Verne Dusenberry
The Mud Pony
by Caron Lee Cohen
The Mystic Warriors of the Plains
by Thomas E Mails
The Mythology of Native North America
by David Leeming
The Mythology of the Wichita
by George A Dorsey
The Names
by N Scott Momaday
The National Congress of American Indians
by Thomas W Cowger
The National Uncanny
by Renee L Bergland
The Native American Experience
by Jay Wertz
The Native American Sweat Lodge
by Joseph Bruchac
The Native Population of the Americas in 1492
by William M Denevan
The Navaho
by Clyde Kluckhohn
The Navajo and Pueblo Silversmiths
by John Adair
The Navajo Verb
by Leonard M Faltz
The Navajo Weaving Tradition
by Alice Kaufman
The Navajo Year
by Nancy Bo Flood
The Navajo Year - Activities for Learning and Exploring
by Nancy Bo Flood
The Navajos
by Ruth Murray Underhill
The Navajos
by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
The Nebraska Indian Wars Reader
by R Eli Paul
The New England Indians
by Keith C Wilbur
The New Native American Cuisine
by Marian Betancourt
The New York Public Library Amazing Native American History
by Liz Sonneborn
The Night Has a Naked Soul
by Alan Kilpatrick
The North American Indian Portfolios from the Library of Congress
by Dolce & Gabbana
The North American Journals of Prince Maximilian of Wied
The Northern Maidu
by Marie Potts
The Occupation of Alcatraz Island
by Troy Johnson
The Oglala People, 1841-1879
by Catherine Price
The Ohlone Way
by Malcolm Margolin
The Ojibwa Woman
by Ruth Landes
The Ojibway of Western Canada
by Laura Peers
The Old North Trail
by Walter McClintock
The Omaha Tribe, Volume 2
by Alice C Fletcher
The Oneida Indian Experience
by Jack Campisi
The Oneida Indian Journey
by Laurence M Hauptman
The Only Land I Know
by Adolph Dial
The Only Land They Knew
by J Leitch Wright
The Only One Living to Tell
by Mike Burns
The Opossum's Tale
by Deborah L Duvall
The Ordeal of Running Standing
by Thomas Fall
The Ordeal of the Longhouse
by Daniel K Richter
The Oregon Trail
by Francis Parkman
The Original Vermonters
by William A Haviland
The Osage and the Invisible World
by Garrick A Bailey
The Osage in Missouri
by Kristie C Wolferman
The Patriot Chiefs
by Alvin M Josephy
The Pawnee Ghost Dance Hand Game
by Alexander Lesser
The Pawnee Inidans
by George E Hyde
The People
by Roger A Hammer
The People Named the Chippewa
by Gerald Vizenor
The Pequot War
by Alfred A Cave
The Peyote Religion Among the Navaho
by David Friend Aberle
The Plains Indians
by Paul H Carlson
The Plains Indians of the Twentieth Century
by Peter J Iverson
The Pleasures of Academe
by James Axtell
The Polar Bear Son
by Lydia Dabcovich
The Ponca Tribe
by James H Howard
The Powhatan Indians of Virginia
by Helen C Rountree
The Pueblo
by Charlotte Yue
The Pueblo Children of the Earth Mother
by Thomas E Mails
The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680
by Andrew L Knaut
The Pueblo Storyteller
by Barbara A Babcock
The Pueblos
by Alice K Flanagan
The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories
by George Bird Grinnell
The Rainbow Bridge
by Audrey Wood
The Rainbow Bridge
by Kerry Nechodom
The Rapid City Indian School, 1898-1933
by Scott Riney
The Red River Trails
by Rhoda R Gilman
The Religion of the Luiseno Indians of Southern California
by Constance Goddard Du Bois
The Responsive Eye
by Ralph T Coe
The Return of the Buffaloes
by Paul Goble
The Return of the Indian
by Lynne Reid Banks
The Rez Road Follies
by Jim Northrup
The Rise and Fall of the Choctaw Republic
by Angie Debo
The Road to Disappearance
by Angie Debo
The Rogue River Indian War and Its Aftermath, 1850-1980
by E A Schwartz
The Rough-Face Girl
by Rafe Martin
The Sac and Fox Indians
by William T Hagan
The Sacred Pipe
by Paul B Steinmetz
The Sacred Tree
by Judie Bopp
The Salinan Indians of California and Their Neighbors
by Betty War Brusa
The Salish Language Family
by Paul D Kroeber
The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project
by Mark D Varien
The Sand Creek Massacre
by Stan Hoig
The Santee Sioux Indians
by Nancy Bonvillain
The Secret of the Indian
by Lynne Reid Banks
The Secret of the White Buffalo
by Carrie J Taylor
The Seminole Baptist Churches of Oklahoma
by Jack M Schultz
The Seminole Freedmen
by Kevin Mulroy
The Seminoles
by Edwin C McReynolds
The Seminoles
by Martin Lee
The Seminoles
by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
The Serpent Never Sleeps
by Scott O'Dell
The Shaman
by John A Grim
The Shaman and the Medicine Wheel
by Evelyn Eaton
The Shawnee
by Alice K Flanagan
The Shawnee
by Jerry E Clark
The Shoshoni Frontier and the Bear River Massacre
by Brigham D Madsen
The Sioux
by Royal B Hassrick
The Sioux of the Rosebud
by Henry W Hamilton
The Sioux Uprising of 1862
by Kenneth Carley
The Six Nations of New York
by Robert Venables
The Smudging and Blessings Book
by Jane Alexander
The Social Life of Stories
by Julie Cruikshank
The Song of the Loom
by Frederick J Dockstader
The Soul Would Have No Rainbow If the Eyes Had No Tears
by Guy A Zona
The Southeastern Indians
by Charles Hudson
The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816
by Florette Henri
The Spark in the Stone
by Peter Goodchild
The Spindle Whorl
by Nan McNutt
The Spirit of Indian Women
by Judith Fitzgerald
The Spirit of Native America
by Anna Lee Walters
The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian
by Joseph Epes Brown
The Spokane Indians
by Robert H Ruby
The Star-Man
by Basil H Johnson
The State of Native America
by M Annette Jaimes
The Stone Canoe and Other Stories
by John L Peyton
The Story Catcher
by Mari Sandoz
The Story of Jumping Mouse
by John Steptoe
The Storytelling Stone
by Susan Feldmann
The Structure of Twana Culture
by William W Elmendorf
The Sun Came Down
by Percy Bullchild
The Sun Horse
by Gerald Hausman
The Talking Earth
by Jean Craighead George
The Taos Indians and the Battle for Blue Lake
by R C Gordon-Mccutchan
The Taos Trappers
by David J Weber
The Technique of Porcupine Quill Decoration
by Orchard
The Technique of Porcupine Quill Decoration Amoung the Indians of North Ame
by William C Orchard
The Ten Grandmothers
by Alice Marriott
The Ten Kate Collection, 1882-1888
by Pieter Hovens
The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers
by Jamie Sams
The Timeline of Native Americans
by Greg O'Brien
The Tipi
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
The Top of the Hill
by Morris Taylor
The Trail of Tears
by Joseph Bruchac
The Trail of Tears
by Richard Conrad Stein
The Trail of Tears Across Missouri
by Joan Gilbert
The Trial of Don Pedro Len Lujn
by Sondra Jones
The True Story of Pocahontas
by Lucille Recht Penner
The Truth about Geronimo
by Britton Davis
The Turkey Girl
by Penny Pollock
The Turn to the Native
by Arnold Krupat
The Turor'd Mind
by Bernd C Peyer
The Twined Basket
by Nan McNutt
The Ute Indians of Colorado in the Twentieth Century
by Richard K Young
The Vanishing American
by Brian W Dippie
The Vision Seeker
by James Whetung
The Wake of the Unseen Object
by Tom Kizzia
The Wampanoag
by Katherine M Doherty
The Wampanoags
by Alice K Flanagan
The Wave of the Sea-Wolf
by David Wisiniewski
The Wave of the Sea-Wolf
by David Wisniewski
The Way It is
by Corbin Harney
The Way of Our People
by Arnold Griese
The Way of the Human Being
by Calvin Luther Martin
The Way to Make Perfect Mountains
by Byrd Baylor
The Way to Rainy Mountain
by N Scott Momaday
The Way We Live
by Malcolm Margolin
The Ways of My Grandmothers
by Beverly Hungry Wolf
The West as a Romantic Horizon
by William H Goetzmann
The West Pole
by Diane Glancy
The Western Abenakis of Vermont 1600-1800
by Colin G Calloway
The White Earth Tragedy
by Melissa L Meyer
The White Man's Indian
by Robert F Berkhofer
The Wind is My Mother
by Bear Heart
The Wind Won't Know Me
by Emily Benedek
The Wintu & Their Neighbors
by Christopher Chase-Dunn
The Witch of Goingsnake and Other Stories
by Robert J Conley
The Wolf at Twilight
by Kent Nerburn
The Woman Who Lived with Wolves
by Paul Goble
The Woodland Indians
by Keith C Wilbur
The World's Rim
by Hartley B Alexander
The Worry Stone
by Marianna Dengler
The Zuni Man Woman
by Will Roscoe
The Zunis
by Alice K Flanagan
Theft of the Spirit
by Carl A Hammerschlag
These Lands Are Ours
by Kate Connell
These Were the Sioux
by Mari Sandoz
They Call Me Agnes
by Fred W Voget
They Called It Prairie Light
by K Tsianina Lomawaima
They Dance in the Sky
by Jean Guard Monroe
They Died with Custer
by Douglas D Scott
Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back
by Joseph Bruchac
This Day in North American Indian History
by Phil Konstantin
This Path We Travel
by National Museum of the American Indian
Three Years Among the Comanches
by Nelson Lee
Three Years on the Plains
by Edmund B Tuttle
Time and the Highland Maya
by Barbara Tedlock
by Paul Goble
by Nancy B Rosoff
Tipis, Tepees, Teepees
by Linda A Holley
Tlingit Tales
by Lorle Harris
To Be the Main Leaders of Our People
by Rebecca Kugel
To Do Good to My Indian Brethren
by Laura J Murray
To Fish in Common
by Daniel L Boxberger
To Honor and Comfort
by Marsha L MacDowell
To Show Heart
by George Pierre Castile
To the American Indian
by Lucy Thompson
Tommy McGinty's Northern Tutchone Story of Crow
by Dominique Legros
Tony Hillerman's Navajoland
by Laurance D Linford
Tools of Native Americans
by Kim Kavin
Totem Poles of the Pacific Northwest Coast
by Edward Malin
Touching the Fire
by Roger Welsch
Town Creek Indian Mound
by Joffre Lanning Coe
Tracking Freedom
by Ken Eagle Feather
Trading Identities
by Ruth B Phillips
Traditional Dress - Revised Edition
by Adolf Hungry Wolf
Traditional Indian Crafts
by Monte Smith
Traditional Literatures of the American Indian
by Karl Kroeber
Traditional Literatures of the American Indian
by Karl Kroeber
Traditions of the Arapaho
by George A Dorsey
Traditions of the Caddo
by George A Dorsey
Trail of Tears
by John Ehle
Trail to Wounded Knee
by Herman Viola
Traits of American Indian Life and Character
by Peter Skeene Ogden
Transforming Images
by Robert, G Donnelley
Travels of William Bartram
by Mark Van Doren
Treasures of Time
by James R Cunkle
Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed
by Neil J Sterritt
Tribal Dispossession and the Ottawa Indian University Fraud
by William E Unrau
Tribal Secrets
by Robert Allen Warrior
Tribal Wars of the Southern Plains
by Stan Hoig
by Matt Dembicki
Tsimshian Culture
by Jay Miller
Turning the Feather Around
by George Morrison
Turtle Clan Journey
by Lynda Durrant
Turtle Going Nowhere in the Plenty of Time
by Davis Many Voices
Turtle's Race with Beaver
by James Bruchac
Twelve North American Indian Design Bookmarks
by Muncie Hendler
Twelve Thousand Years
by Bruce J Bourque
Two Faces
by George McMullen
Two Leggings
by Peter Nabokov
Two Ravens
by Louis Two Ravens Irwin
Two Spirit People
by Lester B Brown
Two Toms
by Thomas Hoevet Johnson
Two Winters in a Tipi
by Mark Warren
Two-Spirit People
by Sue-Ellen Jacobs
Uncle Comanche
by J A Benner
Uncommon Legacies
by John R Grimes
Unconquered People
by Brent Richards Weisman
Under the Kapok Tree
by Alma Gottlieb
Understanding Northwest Coast Art
by Cheryl Shearar
Understanding the Gift
by John Vames
Understanding Tolowa Histories
by James Collins
Unravelling the Franklin Mystery
by David C Woodman
Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region (Enlarged Editio
by Melvin R Gilmore
Ute Indian Arts & Culture
by William Wroth
Ute Tales
by Anne M Smith
Views from the Reservation [With CD (Audio)]
by John Willis
Visions and Voices
by Lydia Wyckoff
Visit Teepee Town
by Diane Glancy
Voice of Indigenous Peoples
by Alexander Ewen
Voices from the Ice
by John L Peyton
Voices of Earth and Sky
by Vinson Brown
Voices of Native America
by Douglas Spotted Eagle
by John Joseph Mathews
by Stephen Feraca
Walk Two Moons
by Sharon Creech
Walking Along: Plains Indian Trickster Stories
by Paul Goble
Walking in the Sacred Manner
by Mark St Pierre
Walking on the Wind
by Michael Garrett
Walking Where We Lived
by Gaylen D Lee
Walking with Grandfather (with audio CD)
by Joseph, III Marshall
Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America
by Paul Kane
War Dance
by William K Powers
War-Path and Bivouac
by John F Finerty
by Stanley Vestal
Warrior Artists
by Herman Viola
by Kanji Kawano
Warriors of the Plains
by Max Carocci
Warriors of the Rainbow
by William Willoya
by Grace Raymond Hebard
Watakame's Journey
by Bonnie Larson
Water Sky
by Jean Craighead George
by Cara Deloria Ella
Waumpum Belts of the Iroquois
by Tehanetorens
Ways of Indian Magic
by Teresa VanEtten
Ways of Knowing
by Jean-Guy A Goulet
We Are At Home
by Bruce White
Wearing the Morning Star
by Brian Swann
Weaver of Worlds
by David Jongeward
Weaving a Navajo Blanket
by Gladys Amanda Reichard
Weaving a World
by Paul Zolbrod
Western Abenakis of Vermont, 1600-1800
by Colin G Calloway
What Does "Died" Mean?
by Marjorie W. Thomas
When Buffalo Ran
by George Bird Grinnell
When Indians Became Cowboys
by Peter Iverson
When the Chenoo Howls
by James Bruchac
When the Great Canoes Came
by Mary Louise Clifford
When the Night Bird Sings
by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
When the Tree Flowered
by John Gneisenau Neihardt
When Thunders Spoke
by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
Where Custer Fell
by James S Brust
Where the Buffaloes Begin
by Olaf Baker
Where the Two Roads Meet
by Christopher Vecsey
Where White Men Fear to Tread
by Russell Means
Whispering Wind Magazine - Vol 30 #3
by Whispering Wind Magazine
White Cloud/Lakota Spirit
by Cecelia Ferretti Brownlow
White Man's Wicked Water
by William E Unrau
White Roots of Peace
by Paul Wallace
Why Gone Those Times?
by James Willard Schultz
Why I Can't Read Wallace Stegner and Other Essays
by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
Why the Possum's Tail is Bare, and Other North American Indian Nature Tales
by James E Connolly
Wigwam Evenings
by Charles A Eastman
Wild Plants of the Native Peoples of the Four Corners
by William W Dunmire
William Wayne Red Hat, Jr.
by William Wayne Red Hat, Jr.
Wind River Adventures
by Edward J Farlow
Winged Words
by Laura Coltelli
Wisdom of the Elders
by David Suzuki
Wisdom of the Native Americans
by Kent Nerburn
With My Own Eyes
by Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun
With the Indians in the Rockies
by James Willard Schultz
Wolf and the Winds
by Frank B Linderman
Wolf That I Am
by Fred McTaggart
by Louis Owens
Woman of the Green Glade
by Virginia M Soetebier
Women of the Dawn
by Bunny McBride
Women of White Earth
by Vance Vannote
Women's Fancy Shawl Dancer
Wooden Leg
by Thomas B Marquis
Woodland Indians
by Dana Newmann
Woodsmen, or Thoreau & the Indians
by Arnold Krupat
Writing the Circle
by Jeanne Perreault
Writings in Indian History, 1985-1990
by Jay Miller
by S Alice Callahan
by Stan Padilla
Yaqui Deer Songs, Maso Bwikam
by Larry Evers
Yellow Dirt
by Judy Pasternak
Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit
by Leslie Marmon Silko
Yosemite Indians
by Elizabeth Godfrey
You're So Fat!
by Roger Spielmann
by Colin F Taylor
Zinnia: How The Corn Was Saved
by Patricia Hruby Powell
Zuni and the Courts
by E Richard Hart
Zuni Coyote Tales
by Frank Hamilton Cushing
Zuni Fetishes
by Hal Zina Bennett
01/14/25 08:46:09 PM Pacific Time
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